This game is a 2 player game. The goal is to finnish the tower before the opponent has finnished his/hers.
(Network game is planned!)
TacticTowers can be started both from CLI and Workbench.
The game
*The goal
First person who gets his/her tower ordered by smallest item at the top and biggest at the bottom (and descending inbetween ofcourse) wins!
The items does not have to be in number order.
Points are given when one item is inserted in a position resultning in a number order series. The higher the inserted item number is and the more items in a row the higher the points will be.
(Score has no value in this version, only winning counts!)
xxxxxxxx < XXXXXXXXX > xxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxx < Draw new > xxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxx < Pass turn > xxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxx < > xxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxx < > xxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxx < > xxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxx < > xxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxx < > xxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxx < Help > xxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxx < New game > xxxxxxxx
Score:__ Quit Score:__
xxxxxxxx - The players items. The left items is player 1 and the right items are player 2.
XXXXXXXX - The playable item. First item in the unplayed items list (the items that are not on any of the players sides).
Score:__ - The players points.
< - Exchange the player 1 item at that row with the playable item.
> - Exchange the player 2 item at that row with the playable item.
Draw new - Every turn the player can draw one new item, putting the playable item last in the unplayed item list. The next item in the unplayed item list is the new playable item.
Pass turn - When a new playable item is drawn and the player do not want to play the item, it is possible to pass the turn to the other player.
Help - Display a small gameplay description.
New game - Starts a new game. Only available when no game is running.